Tunnel bear vpn for pc
Tunnel bear vpn for pc

tunnel bear vpn for pc

If you still have unresolved issues, you can contact customer service for assistance. Support for any aspect of the service is available on the website’s help section (opens in new tab), where you can find articles that cover the basics, troubleshooting, announcements and more, albeit with somewhat modest content.

tunnel bear vpn for pc

Most other VPN platforms can be enabled on certain routers, which then act as only one device and therefore enable unlimited connections. This VPN service allows you to connect up to 5 devices at the same time. However, some servers are better suited for such purposes than others, which is something the TunnelBear can help with. The application has a very simple, intuitive interface and can run in the background.The provider doesn’t unblock Netflix and BBC iPlayer, but it facilitates access to geo-restricted content on YouTube.Īll of TunnelBear’s servers are P2P-friendly, meaning you can share large files via torrenting clients without any limitations. This package provides unlimited traffic and the ability to install the program on any two devices. There is also a promotion - if you tell your friends about TunnelBear on Twitter, you can get another gigabyte of free traffic. The free version includes 500 megabytes of traffic for tunneling and 128-bit VPN encryption. The pricing policy of the company is more than democratic. There are versions for Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android. One of the key advantages of the program is its cross-platform nature. The application works according to the following principle: when connecting to a public WiFi network, your device is first set up to work with the TunnelBear server, through which it works with the access point, while encrypting data using a 128-bit key. Once connected, all incoming and outgoing traffic will not be intercepted. With its help you can connect to the VPN channel absolutely free of charge (for the period of testing the program).

tunnel bear vpn for pc

TunnelBear is a program designed to facilitate work with the service of the same name.

Tunnel bear vpn for pc